Pharaoh’s ants are an indoor species of ant which were first found in the UK in the early 19th century. They are widespread in warm buildings and can be a difficult pest to control especially in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, housing blocks and other institutions where conditions are favourable. They have been known to be particularly attracted to suppurating wounds of patients causing intense irritation and the possible transmission of pathogenic bacteria.
Pharoah’s ants can cause the following problems:
Can carry disease organisms, contaminate food and sterile equipment
Mobile and active, can penetrate packaging due to their small size
Will travel through building structures making infestation widespread
Can be transported on clothing, bedding, luggage, linen etc..
Nests can be as large as 50,000 workers!
Wide taste in foodstuffs, including high protein items such as red meat
Ants are of particular health importance because of their close association with the human environment. There are several reasons why they need to be controlled:
- Contamination
- Stock damage
- Reputation
- Loss of finance
- Building damage
- Health and safety
- Disease
- Legal responsibility
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